Thursday, 29 May 2014

Cactus flowers

This is the season of cactus flowers and we have two different varieties in flower at the moment. Seeing them reminded me of this poem that I wrote about them a long time ago:


The cactus does not curse the sun
But grows a thick skin, thick with
Spikes to shield her
Inner core.

The cactus does not mourn the drought
But gladly greets the dew,
Absorbing its precious drops
Of moist coolness.

Thus she takes the moment
To create dawn flowers of
White pristine freshness
In a husk dry world.

And when they shrivel as the sun climbs
She does not blame the heat or bewail
Their transient beauty, but releases them,
Freely, to the baking earth.

And turning inward, she rests in the
Dark secret roots of her fecundity.

July 3rd 02

A lesson I would do well to remember at this time when I feel so out of sorts.

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