Wednesday 22 October 2014

Not so good

After a not very good night I woke up feeling very fragile with pains in my stomach and diahorrea. I try not to get upset about it but my stomach has been so good for so many months and now suddenly it is back to its usual mode of being. It feels as if my colon is inflamed and it responds to the slightest stress with churning and wind. I cannot understand why it has happened now although I feel it may be because of the change in the weather – the recent torrential rain and getting so very wet the other night. But surely it can't be the weather that brings on these things? I like to think I am above all that, but maybe not.

It was raining solidly this morning so we weren't able to do much work. Rajan and I cut spinach in the rain and then everyone else did the cleaning and bagging.

By the end of the day I felt a bit better though very tired. I am boiling all my water, taking my herbs and trying to connect with my positivity and maybe there will be some sun tomorrow.

I realise that I often get this sort of illness at this time of year, so perhaps it is not entirely a fancy to think that it might have been brought on by the rain.

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