Friday, 29 March 2013

Almost ready for me

This evening my Nia class was cancelled and so I had time to run round and take pictures of all the new volunteer accommodation which I will use to update the website - hopefully this weekend.  it included the above picture which is the space that used to be the dormitory and which I will move into in the middle of next week.

The work is not going as fast as I had hoped and I think may end up more expensive than planned. Putting up the mosquito netting over all the windows is taking much longer than expected and I have decided to have a new bathroom door as the present one is almost falling apart.  A volunteer got locked in the bathroom by mistake and tried to take the door off the hinges so he could get out.  Fortunately someone came and let him out before he could completely demolish the door but it was badly cracked.

I do think this move around is going to be good though.  The office and meeting room will be together and will be set up so it is a proper professional office where we can invite people.  The volunteers will all be in one section of the place which will hopefully contain all their activities.  Eventually though, there needs to be another house built for either Pierre or myself so that the dormitory can be turned into a professional kitchen.

I think this coming move is the first step towards that.

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