Wednesday 11 December 2019

Droplets 20191203

Feel so very, very tired.  So tired I couldn’t make yoga – which is most unusual for me, even although I think my eating may be improving.

Had a Farm Group meeting that seemed to take a lot out of me and got back very late for lunch.  I don’t have much appetite because of the cold/flu even although I think my eating may be improving.  Would really like to have some time off but don’t see how I can with so much to do.

The book needs a final, final edit and I have got to do the information sheet and map for the audio guide.  I may try and get up early to do that tomorrow.  I’ve got a school session and then I have to do shopping for the meeting on Thursday.  Somehow I have to finish the book and then get all the marketing stuff for that sorted out.

Doesn’t look as if I am going to get much of a rest!

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