Thursday 26 December 2019

Reminder 20191220

Had another group come today – this time I forgot to put it in my diary.  Somehow I managed to do it and they were a really nice and lively group.  Tiring though.  Then the JCB came and the earthworks at the back started.  I was very pleased although got irritated with Rajan who asked me to look after things while he did the delivery.  Building is coming along very nicely but still lots of little jobs to do.
Really pleased that at last all the files have been delivered from Prisma so I can start uploading the book to Amazon.  This is more complicated than I thought so will just have to go step by step.  Hopefully after a night’s sleep tomorrow morning it won’t look so daunting.

The picture is a reminder about why I do all this.  To grow food.

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