Thursday, 30 January 2014

Agitation now and then

Today used to be Peter's birthday and I used to love sharing my birthday with him.  We used to have a joint birthday celebration with a cake that had our combined ages on it.  I felt really close to him today, especially when Emma sent me a card thanking me for the veggie box - my year round Christmas present.

Basically I have felt light and smooth today although I had to go to two meetings.  One was particularly agitating as it was so badly organised and members will not keep to the subject.  One person was very tired, the other ill and one was late so it felt that everyone was out of sorts.  

David looked particularly ill and he irritates me how he just doesn't seem to be in the same universe most of the time.  Then I get bad about feeling irritated as he really doesn't look very well but obviously wants to keep on going as if he is OK.  

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