Wednesday, 31 December 2014

A terrible day

Pierre came to my house this morning with Simon who had gone to see Kim and found her dead body instead. She had hanged herself. I went to see and it was horrible. She must have been there for several days and her body was very swollen, distorted and smelly.

It has been a day of dealing with everything that such an event entails. Talking to Auroville security, the police and filling out innumerable forms and finding the forms of everyone staying in Buddha Garden. She has a husband, who is coming tomorrow, and a 15 year old daughter in Australia who will have to be told at some point. Maybe I will do it with her husband tomorrow.......

It seems that she probably died the night of the 25th and I wonder if some of the intense feelings of depression and sadness that I experienced on that day came from her. It has been a grey and rainy day, as if the whole place is crying for Kim.

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