Monday, 22 December 2014

New idea

I had an idea for a new embroidery which I want to call 'light in dark corners' and will go at the back of a little table that I have. This is the first expression of it which doesn't look quite right but is nevertheless a step towards it – even if I discard it completely. It gives me something to work on.

Today Pierre and I decided that we will not have any more parties and I told everyone this morning. Surprisingly I felt a lot of relief coming from everyone. Maybe others were also thinking that things were going out of control but didn't know what to do about it. Either that or they just didn't want to take responsibility themselves and preferred me to be clear for them to follow. I was quite surprised.

Last night was the winter solstice and the longest night, which is for me the end of the year. As always, however, the end of year is not a point but a gradual turning from the old to the new. So I will carry on until I feel that process has happened.

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