Wednesday, 31 December 2014

High highs and low lows

A day of highs and lows. Was very upset indeed to find that several volunteers had made a big fire in the middle of the stone circle to cook some food. I have told them so many times that if they want to light a fire, then they should use the designated fire place. Not only did they not use the fire place, but they used some of the special stones in the fire so they are all black. And of course none of them cleared up afterwards so there is now a horrible pile of ash and other rubbish in the middle of the stone circle.

This afternoon a friend rang and said that she had a present for me. We met at Pitanga and she gave me this packet with instructions to 'keep it safe'. It was only much later when I got back that I found she had given me Rs25,000 for Buddha Garden.

I was overwhelmed and speechless.

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