Tuesday 29 January 2013

A bad tempered meeting

We had a Vegetable group meeting this morning which ended up with a lot of bad temper, especially on my part.  We were asked, yet again, to provide information about our crop planting for the next three months.  We keep doing this - again and again and again - and yet it seems there is no one coordinating the information and taking action on it.  We end up with the same problems of gluts and shortages as we have had ever since I have been farming in Auroville.

I got really cross and I think this is what the picture is really about - me talking to me.  I am so frustrated by it all as in Buddha Garden we do make an effort to not only keep the necessary records but also to give them to the person who is supposed to be doing the coordination.  Somehow though, the coordination never seems to happen and over time we have found ways of dealing with our gluts.  And we just go on doing that.........

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