Wednesday 2 January 2013

As it ever was....

Back to work today and for some reason I am surprised at how the intensity of the situation hasn't changed.  We have a lot of volunteers which always take quite a lot of energy to look after and there seemed to be a lot of demands on me.  Did I think the New Year would automatically lead to some changes in that?? I guess at one level I must have done.  

The picture expresses very well how I felt and how I would like to be with extra arms and heads to ensure that I could cope with everything!

Within this intensity lots of positive things are happening.  The roof of the recycled house is on and now we can think about how to do the walls.  I have also just heard from Findhorn that they are going to help me financially to attend a conference there in June.  Someone has promised to come from the Telephone Service to test our cable tomorrow which means that at least we can find out what the problem is and hopefully do something about it.

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