Thursday 31 January 2013

A moment of stillness

Towards the end of this afternoon I felt really out of sorts.  A visit with a friend had been cancelled and I had just got the estimate for rebuilding the third cabin which was more than I expected.  If the costs are correct it means that the cabin that Pierre is building is also going to be more expensive than we bargained for.  I do have to remember, though, that the building is still going to be pretty cheap.  It looks like it will cost around Rs30,000 which is not so much compared with over Rs1,00,000 and probably more to build anything else.

I also phoned up my friend David because he visited Buddha Garden a few days ago and talked with Pierre about various things they could do on with building the cabin.  One of them was to paint the roof panels white and according to Pierre David had a special paint that could be used.  Turns out it is whitewash more or less, which will be fine for the walls, but won't work on the roof panels at all.  I got a bit cross because it was obvious to me that David doesn't know what he is talking about in this instance, but he kept going on about 'experimenting', when I don't want to waste time and money doing something that I don't think has much of a chance of being successful.  We have wasted enough money in this last year on advice that didn't work.  I think I am also worried that it will encourage Pierre to try all sorts of different things like the cement roofs which I am really not keen on unless he does it with someone who knows what they are doing.  I think they are a huge amount of work and I have had experience of too many that don't keep the rain out!

Feeling a bit cross and fed up I went for a walk to the stone circle and experienced this  period of absolute stillness. Nothing seemed to be moving from the trees to the clouds in the sky which was an amazing light blue colour.  It felt as if the earth was holding its breath and within this I felt myself stop worrying and fretting for a few moments.

Although I took this picture several days ago at the time of the full moon it was what best seemed to express the experience today.

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