Friday 18 January 2013

Joy of birth

Last night I had a very restless night, a lot of it spent worrying about Emma and Samuel and the impending birth.

Towards the end of the night I had a dream which was just a flash but which gave me a very strong image.  I saw Samuel in the clouds who had the most wonderful glowing smile.  He was swaddled in white cloth and he smiled at me and said 'Everything is OK' and 'I am ready to be born'. In the picture I think he looks as if he is in some kind of chrysalis from which he is going to emerge.

It is difficult to describe the incredible sense of joy that Samuel was radiating through his smile which washed over me in waves.  I had a great sense of calm and a feeling that Samuel was looking forward to being born that everything was going to go really well and positively.  That everything was organised and proceeding just as it should.

It reminded me again of the tremendous joy of giving birth which with all the tension and worry about things that might go wrong often gets lost.  However Samuel is born it will be a joyful miracle.

It reminded me of the following quotation:

All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.”
Julian of Norwich

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