Wednesday 30 January 2013

Who was there?

While I was asleep last night I dreamed that someone was holding my feet.  It was a very warm comforting feeling and I called out 'whose there?' and it was in doing this I think that I woke myself up.  In this half asleep state I had a very strong sense of someone being there and then as I woke up and realised that I was on my own I started to feel quite spooked. I felt a strong sense of there being someone in the room who had been holding my feet. It was only as I became properly awake that I realised that I must have been dreaming.

The spooky feeling was with me for some time today, but thinking about it more I see it may have been to do with my difficulty in surrendering to the wonderful feeling of having my feet held.  The hands doing it felt very warm and loving and my feel felt as if they were glowing.   Funny how I wanted to find out who was doing it rather than just enjoy the experience.

Maybe that is what the dream was trying to tell me.  To enjoy more and try to work things out less.  

Later in the day I went to a NIA class where I felt strongly that whatever presence was there belonged to the earth.

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