Thursday 3 January 2013

Very tired

Another pink picture! But there is a lot of pink in my life at the moment so I feel it is quite appropriate if somewhat repetitive.  This came from today's sunset and what struck me was the clearness of the blue sky that provided a backdrop for the red clouds.  It seemed to intensify the redness.

I have had an extremely intense day but have only in the last hour or so realised how tired I am.  I had to forgo my acupuncture session this morning as someone from the Telephone Service turned up - I have been trying to get this person for the last week or so and felt I couldn't let the opportunity go. Unfortunately Morgane who does the acupuncture is very busy and it doesn't look like we will be able to get together for a session until the same time next week.

I see how valuable these sessions are to me and how I need to protect the time for them more carefully.  I need to make an appointment for myself and put it in my diary! When there is so much going on it is all too easy for me to give up the things I need for myself.  If nothing else, missing the session has made me see its value.

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