Saturday 26 January 2013

Sunset seen through spaces

It was the Indian Republic day today so everything very quiet.

I was surprised I was able to create this picture tonight.  I had a meeting this afternoon which, although not difficult in terms of interpersonal communication, was dealing with a difficult conflict situation on one of the farms.  Some of the people involved wanted to come and talk to me, I think because they wanted to express their point of view and be listened to. I was surprised by how much I allowed myself to be dragged down by listening about a situation in which trust has disappeared along with any means of reasonable communication.  

Even after all this time, and knowing how Auroville works, I find it hard not to get depressed at some of the things that happen here.  Although of course such events are all part of the process of transformation - or can be if approached in the right way.  

When I came back from my NIA dance class I was feeling very uninspired and didn't think I would be able to create anything.  But once again just doodling on my iPad seemed to get my creative juices flowing.  I found out how to create the beautiful sky colours and gradations of the very gentle sunset that I saw on my way back from the class.  I was SO pleased with myself!  

I had actually viewed the sky through a tracery of leaves - through spaces - and this is what I have tried to express in the picture.  Maybe when I am confronted with difficult situations I have to try to see through them like I saw the sunset through the leaves...... to try and find the spaces and then to look through them and see the positive side of the situation.  Instead of dwelling on the negatives.

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