Saturday 19 January 2013


At the end of the day I feel as if I am on my knees with the weight of all my responsibilities and demands with my nerves in shreds. I think the picture gives rather a good image of how I feel and I got a lot of satisfaction from creating it.

Today there has been a tremendous amount to do, both practically and on the computer, while in the background there is a constant procession of people wanting to see me to ask questions. Volunteers wanting to know about this and that together with a string of phone calls and visits from people wanting to stay. Thank goodness for NIA dance which I went to this evening and danced all my frustrations away.

Emma has gone into hospital and it seems she is already in labour and has started dilating so may not  need any further medication to get properly going.   I think Samuel has been waiting so that he can be born an Aquarian like his grandparents....

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