Friday 25 January 2013

Relentlessly upward

Friday at last but there doesn't seem to be any pause in in my life when I can just sit down and draw breath.  I think the picture shows very well what my life feels like at the moment - constant and unremitting effort.  But at least it looks like I am going somewhere and not just going round and round like a hamster in a wheel.  I have no idea where I may be going though!

I walked around Buddha Garden this evening and it looks really wonderful with all the weeding more or less up to date and the plants growing well.  The building that Pierre is doing is coming on very well indeed and I do hope that by the time he goes on February 8th that it will be ready to have the roof put on so it can be done while he is away.

When Pierre goes I may be on my own in Buddha Garden as Vivek had to fly to Delhi today to deal with a family emergency and has no idea when he will be back.  If I do have to run everything on my own I hope there will be some sensible volunteers around that I can rely on.  But even so it feels like I will have to keep on walking up up up up up up up.........

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