Sunday, 7 April 2013

I feel moved

This picture shows my room as it is now with everything put away so that I don't have walk around/over piles of stuff every time I want to do something.  Tomorrow I will make a list of all the things that still need doing in this new place to make it 'finished'.  It feels pretty good to me as it is though - a good base from which to go out and work tomorrow.

Its been a day of highs and lows.  One high was the Nia dance class at 8.00am - gorgeous time to have a class and this one was very interesting as we did all the 52 Nia moves that are the basis of the dance.  Low was when the person I was supposed to be going out with this evening decided at the last minute to cancel.  

Underneath those variations though, I feel a strong sense of something moving and being part of a positive deeper rhythm of the universe.

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