Friday 10 May 2013

Big sun

Yesterday, the first day for a very long time, I didn't manage to create a picture.  I was too busy trying to fit in not only all the stuff that I normally have to do, but also the last day of my yoga course.  Having managed to do the first two days I was determined to do this last day and left a meeting early in order to do so.  I am so glad I did the course as my body feels very different - more deeply relaxed.

Today has been exceptionally hot and also very busy but at least I didn't have to cycle around in the hot sun as I had to do yesterday.  I went right to the other side of Auroville at the hottest time of the day, only to find that the meeting place had changed to the Town Hall which I had passed on my way there.  No one had thought to tell me and I don't think anyone cares - or perhaps they are not even aware - that I am getting around on a bicycle which is hard work in this sort of weather.

In this picture I have tried to create the sense of the sun as I feel it now.  Very large and making everything limp, covered in dust and somehow sort of blurry.  I don't think I have done it very well but is the best I can do.  Its so hard to show the way in which I can't get away from the heat and the way it slows me down and stops me sleeping properly.  The way it seems to be so overbearing in every part of my existence.


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