Wednesday 1 May 2013

Remembering with a warm feeling

Today has been a holiday, one of the few that we take in Buddha Garden because it comes at a time of year when we are not too busy and can therefore afford to not work for a day.

I have been spending time updating the website which I have found a somewhat tedious job which is obviously going to take much longer than this one day that I have set aside to do it.  In doing so, however, I have come across this old photo of what the land was like when I first started Buddha Garden.  Covered with miserable looking eucalyptus trees struggling to survive.

The memories came flooding back about what it took to get the place started and all the things that have happened since it began.  Amazing to think how I came here just myself and two daughters, both of whom are now getting on with their lives in the UK.  Amazing to see how Buddha Garden has developed in ways that I would not have thought possible when I took my first steps onto this land.

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