Wednesday 22 May 2013

Our pond

Once again the picture comes from the website which I have been updating again today.  Only one more section to do so nearly finished.

This is a picture of the pond we dug in 2011 to try and divert water that comes off the forest area to another large pond outside our fence.  Digging the pond was not without its excitement what with having to bring in a JCB and finding at first the soil was too dry for even this machine to dig.  After some rain when we could start digging in earnest someone had to sit with the JCB to make sure it kept moving and wasn't just sitting there with the motor on, pretending that work was happening but in reality trying to extend the time to be paid!

I remember how we all rushed down to the pond as soon as the first good rain of the monsoon came and how gratified we all felt as the pond filled up.  It was also great that the pond worked as planned.  Once the pond filled up the water via the channel at the back to the next pond near the fence and when that pond filled up it overflowed to the very large village pond just outside our fence.  Unfortunately the rain kept coming and coming and the village pond overflowed which meant that we still got some flooding - but not as much as if  our pond hadn't been there.

I would love to dig another large pond on the lower field and use the soil from the pond to make terraces which don't get flooded.  But this is a very expensive activity and at the moment I don't know where we would find the money to do it.

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