Thursday 23 May 2013

Too busy and.....

Once again I have been so busy today I haven't had a chance to create a picture.  I seem to have so much to do and yet I don't seem to be able to push myself hard enough to get everything done that needs to get done.  I don't know whether it is the heat or the yoga classes which seem to uncover in my body how I really feel - which is pretty tired.

I've got a lot of practical things to do like clearing out the new professional kitchen, which I don't think will get done unless I do it.  Or at least start doing it.  Pierre hardly seems to be in Buddha Garden these days and when he is he seems very scattered and distracted.  I feel he needs a bit of a push to get going in the new direction, but I am feeling too tired to do it.

I finished the website today and that is where the picture comes from.  I remember this machine which, unusually for me as I don't normally think of machines in this way, I thought was rather sweet and character - full.  Here it is struggling to dig a hole because the soil was too dry.

Part of the reason for being so busy is that I am going to a yoga course that is on 5.00 - 7.00pm every evening which I realize takes quite a chunk out of my day.  I am enjoying it and am determined to continue during this time when we aren't quite so busy.  I feel it makes a very positive difference to my body.

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