Wednesday 15 May 2013

Rooting energy

Its been a busy day and it feels like there is a lot going on particularly in Buddha Garden.  I very much want to gather together all the scattered food processing activities that Pierre is doing.  At present fruit is cut up near the volunteer kitchen, dried behind his house, packed in the office.... all over the place.  I suggested that I move to the cottage and then Pierre could use my place as the kitchen.  I feel it is very urgent as fruit is coming into Buddha Garden but somehow Pierre is not organised to deal with it properly.  His last lot of fruit didn't dehydrate properly (and it led to an electricity black out last night because he drained the batteries) and they are full of mold and insects.  It was a complete waste.

Vivek said that he did not want me to move to the cottage as he felt it would not be good for me.  I know it wouldn't be as nice as the place I am in now but I felt I could deal with it, especially if giving Pierre my place brought all his food processing stuff together.  We then thought that perhaps Pierre could move his activities to the cottage which in some ways would be good because there are two rooms there and one could be used as a cashew store.  In the end though, Pierre has opted to stay where he is and to refurbish his back room as a kitchen with the cashews being stored in the small store room which we cleared at the weekend.

According to Vivek my role is to 'root' the energy in Buddha Garden and I feel as if I have been doing that over the last weeks.  I feel there are a lot of changes happening with a lot of energy around that somehow I do bring together and anchor.  That is what the picture is meant to show although I don't think it shows how tiring it can be doing this.  All the disparate energy comes through me and is in some way transformed and my body needs to be strong to do this.

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