Saturday 25 May 2013


At last!  I found the time to create my own picture, this time of myself in one of my yoga classes.  Looking at it I don't think it is obvious that I am lying on the floor (not sitting up) and the perspective is looking down from above.  I tried to include the blue breath imagined going up the sides of the body but wasn't able to manage that.

I have really enjoyed these yoga classes but they seem to have made me very hungry and yet slowed me down a lot.  Despite that I seem to get quite a lot done.  Today I finished cleaning out the room at the back of Pierre's place where the new professional kitchen is going and I have just finished the annual Farm group report for Jeff.  The do list doesn't feel so overwhelming now although I have to start getting all the bits and pieces together for going to the UK.

Next week, the last before Pitanga closes, there will be yoga classes every night 5 -7pm.  I am going to treat it as a yoga intensive and try to go every night.

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