Tuesday 28 May 2013

Fireworks in the afternoon

There is a festival happening in the nearby village which started with a very noisy explosion of fireworks.  Since it was the early afternoon and the sun was shining it was impossible to actually see any of the fireworks, but I had this inner sense of all the colours which I put in this picture.  The sound of the fireworks sparked off the colours and shapes in my mind.

The festival is - according to Amer, our watchman - 'to keep the rain God happy' so that the summer rains won't be delayed.  There are lots of coloured lights all over the temple and some kind of noisy band is playing as I write this. Its supposed to last several days, but no one seems very clear about that.  Perhaps it depends on whether rain comes or not.

We had some lightening and thunder tonight so perhaps rain isn't so far away and we could certainly do with it.

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