Saturday 18 May 2013

Updating the website

This picture is one of several I took for the website.  It shows one of the misters in the nursery which are great to go and stand under in this very hot weather.

Unfortunately, once again I over estimated how much of the updating work on the website I would get done.   I got up early  and spent several hours working on it only to find that I had got very little completed.  We are making some large changes to it so the amount of work seems to go on increasing.  I felt quite overwhelmed.

I have therefore decided that from now on I will try to do a little every day.  Trying to complete everything in a few weekends is obviously unrealistic, especially when there is quite a variety of work to do - taking photos, writing material and then having to talk about it with various people.  I think its yet another of those jobs where its better to do it slow and steady.

I also felt very tired today, but when I went to the yoga class I found that everyone else is feeling the same.  Its the heat and we have to find ways to adjust to it.  Writing in the early morning and in the evening when it is cooler is one way of doing it.

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